The Centre for Spirituality at Work






Thursday Sept. 8, 2005, 7:30 to 9:30 pm
At the ABC, near Bloor & Yonge, Toronto


"Offerings of the Heart." This phrase sets the inspiring tone for the spiritual perspective in the Jewish tradition that money is a tool for actualizing God's presence in the world. Learn about this core value and and how it integrates financial and spiritual matters that are all too often split within organizations, as well as within individuals. Gain insights into your own situation as Rabbi Shawn Zevit brings the depth and breadth of spiritual teachings on money and the spiritual life to our ways with financial resources in the workplace and the community. Inspiring and thought provoking texts and tools will help you see how your resources -- both financial and human -- help you to build and maintain a whole and holy life at work, rooted in the very sacred traditions, principles and impluses that help create a meaningful and spiritual "bottom-line".

Rabbi Shawn Zevit ( is a leading thinker, consultant, trainer, teacher, recording artist and author. His new book "Offerings of the Heart: Values-Based Approaches to Money in Community" has just been published by the Alban Institute and will be available at the workshop. A former Torontonian now living in Philadelphia, Shawn has taught human relations in both the University of Toronto and Temple University and is responsible for the leadership training programs throughout North America. And best of all, Shawn was the beloved emcee of our 1998 and 1999 Spirituality in the Workplace conferences at the University of Toronto from which grew the Centre for Spirituality at Work. You can reach Shawn at

REGISTRATION: An ABC discount card will be given to all who attend. The program fee is $30 received by Thursday Sept. 1 or $40 at the door. If you cannot manage the full fee at this time, please register and pay what you can before the 1st. Send your name, workplace, address, phone number and e-mail address to To pay by VISA , send the name embossed on your card, the number, and expiry date. For security reasons, you may want to divide the card number into two separate e-mails, leave it in a voice message 24/7 at 416-482-9175, or fax 416-482-9969. Seeds of Hope is the transaction that will appear on your statement. Or mail cheques payable to: Centre for Spirituality at Work, Box 100, 162 Spruce St., Toronto M5A 2J5. Cancellations: You may substitute another person for no additional fee.

CAR-POOLING: If you are coming from outside Toronto and can give a ride or need a ride, please contact Rita Reid-Smith at She will connect possible car-poolers so that hopefully everyone who wants to attend is able to. We suggest that each passenger contribute $5.00 each way to the driver.

LOCATION: Anglican Book Centre ("the ABC") at their new store at 80 Hayden St., the 1st street south of Bloor St., east from Church St. Just a few minutes walk from the Yonge-Bloor TTC station. Metered parking is on Church St., and a paid lot at the S/W corner of Church and Bloor.

Bring your brochures & flyers for the networking table.


Centre for Spirituality at Work
"Connecting who you are and the work you do ...."
Last updated Aug 16/05